Official Site of the National Trappers Association
Official Site of the National Trappers Association

NTA Never Quit Fundraiser

The NTA's newest Fundraise, Never Quit, offers some unique items for your donations. Receive a pair of NTA Sweatpants for each $30 donation, an NTA Zip-up Hoodie for each $40 donation, or go all out and receive both items for a $60 donation.  Join or renew your membership today and don't miss out on these amazing deals!

Show Your Support Today!

NTA Sweatpants
NTA Zip Hoodie
NTA Sweats & Hoodie Combo
Top name trappers provide demonstrations at each convention to help trappers of all ages improve their trapping techniques.
The reintroduction of the otter in the U.S. is an example of the partnership between trappers and wildlife managers.
The NTA lawyers & lobbyists assist many states with introduced legislative bills which are detrimental to trappers.
View Your State
Your State
Click the map to view what's happening in your state. Most are affiliated with the NTA helping us all work together.
View Your State
Your State
Click the map to view what's happening in your state. Most are affiliated with the NTA helping us all work together.
View Your State
Your State
Click the map to view what's happening in your state. Most are affiliated with the NTA helping us all work together.

NTA Sustaining Membership

We are pleased to announce the release of the first ever NTA Sustaining Membership Program!

For $35 you get a limited edition patch and a listing in the American Trapper magazine.

We are going to release a new patch every year going forward.

Show Your Support Today!

NTA Sustaining Membership

2025 Sustaining Member

NTA Sustaining Membership

Official Coffee of the NTA

A portion of the profits of Trapline Coffee supports the future of trapping and responsible conservation.
Highlights of Past National Trappers Association Conventions
Furbearers Unlimited
Big Game Forever
NTA Trapping Handbook

Destroying the Myth

This NTA produced video explodes the heart of the anti-trapping strategy by exposing it as false.

Visit our Advertisers

Cumberland's Northwest Trappers
Foundation for Wildlife Management
Funke Trap Tags
Fur Hat World
Fur Source
Glacier Wear
Hoosier Trapper Supply
Hoosier Trapper Supply Outdoors
Minnesota Trapline Products
Murrays Lures
Northern Sport Trapping
Schmitt Enterprises
Cumberland's Northwest Trappers
Foundation for Wildlife Management
Funke Trap Tags
Sheepskin Town
Trappers World
Wildlife Control Supplies
Fur Hat World
Fur Source
Glacier Wear
Hoosier Trapper Supply
Hoosier Trapper Outdoors
Minnesota Trapline Products
Murrays Lures
Northern Sport Trapping
Schmitt Enterprises
Sheepskin Town
Skandinavik Fur
Trappers World
Wildlife Control Supplies
Cumberland's Northwest Trappers
Foundation for Wildlife Management
Funke Trap Tags
Fur Hat World
Moyle Mink & Tannery
F & T Trading Post
Fur Source
Glacier Wear
Hoosier Trapper Supply
Hoosier Trapper Outdoors
Minnesota Trapline Products
Murrays Lures
Northern Sport Trapping
Montgomery Trap & Supply
Schmitt Enterprises
Sheepskin Town
Trappers World
Wildlife Control Supplies
Moyle Mink & Tannery
Moyle Mink & Tannery
F & T Trading Post
F & T Trading Post
Copyright © National Trappers Association 2012-2025. All right reserved.
Site by Hawkmtn


Protecting Wild Things
and Wild Places

We Are

To defend and promote the safe, ethical harvest of furbearing mammals and to the preservation and enhancement of their habitats.


The development and usage of the most effective and humane trapping techniques available.