Official Site of the National Trappers Association
Official Site of the National Trappers Association

Trappers Association

Protecting Wild Things and Wild Places

Defending Our Heritage

We Are Committed

To defend and promote the safe and ethical harvest of furbearing mammals and to the preservation and enhancement of their habitats.

We Encourage

The development and usage of the most effective and humane trapping techniques available.

Top name trappers provide demonstrations at each convention to help trappers of all ages improve their trapping techniques.
The reintroduction of the otter in the U.S. is an example of the partnership between trappers and wildlife managers.
The NTA lawyers & lobbyists assist many states with introduced legislative bills which are detrimental to trappers.
View Your State
Your State
Click the map to view what's happening in your state. Most are affiliated with the NTA helping us all work together.
Highlights of the 2019 National Trappers Association Convention


Idaho Trappers
Idaho Trappers Association

NTA Director
Justin Webb
418 Creekside Lane
Hope, ID 83836
T: 208-610-4455
About NTA

The National Trappers Association is committed to defending and promoting the safe and ethical harvest of furbearing mammals and to the preservation and enhancement of their habitats.
Fifty-one state trapping affiliates make up the core of the national organization representing thousands of fur harvesters from every portion of the country. The National Trappers Association and its members continue to research and encourage the development and usage of the most effective and humane trapping techniques available.
Furbearers, like other managed wildlife species, thrive and are far more diverse today then 100 years ago. The reintroduction of the river otter throughout America’s river systems is just one example of the successful partnership between trappers and wildlife managers.
The National Trappers Association continues to defend our American Heritage and the sound management of all wildlife for the future enjoyment and use by all sportsmen of North America.
We thank all members and organizations for their dedicated support.
Destroying the Myth
This NTA produced video explodes the heart of the anti-trapping strategy by exposing it as false. Click video to view.
Membership Specials
The NTA offers special membership campaigns throughout the year. Join with us to help preserve our heritage.

Visit our Advertisers

Cumberland's Northwest Fleming Traps Funke Trap Tags Fur Hat World Fur Source
Glacier Wear Hilltop Outdoor Supply Kaatz Bros. Lures Mark June Lures Minnesota Trapline
Montgomery Fur Murray's Lures Northern Trapping Papio Creek Schmitt Enterprise
Sheepskin Town SKF Fur Trapper's World Volker's Trapping Supplies Wildlife Control Supplies
Moyle Mink & Tannery
Snake River Trappers
Upper Snake River Trappers of Idaho

NTA Director
Mike Murdock
1130 E 1800 N
Terreton, ID 83450
T: 208-716-0377
Foundation for Wildlife Management
Foundation for Wildlife Management

NTA Director

Justin Webb
418 Creekside Lane
Hope, ID 83836
T: 208-610-4455
Copyright © National Trappers Association 2012-2023. All right reserved.
Site by Hawkmtn


Protecting Wild Things
and Wild Places

We Are

To defend and promote the safe, ethical harvest of furbearing mammals and to the preservation and enhancement of their habitats.


The development and usage of the most effective and humane trapping techniques available.